A Hecate ritual for you đź–¤


Right after I announced the Gnome Flower Full Moon Journey workshop (with a nod to Hades), another Greek deity came to me:

The goddess of witchcraft and the underworld, Hecate.

Evidently, she might also be participating in this workshop…the story is a little wild...

The morning of our July new moon, I prepared the first batch of gnome flower essences for shipping. And I made myself a fresh new moon gnome flower essence for good measure ;)

I took the essence throughout the day, and reflected on my plans for this upcoming class.

That night, I had one of those dreams that’s more than a dream.

I’ll spare you the weird dreamy details — in essence, I descended into a subterranean world. (The elevator broke so I hopped and skipped down dirt trails with glee, lol).

When I arrived, a woman was waiting for me at a check in desk. She asked me if I’d like a piece of fruit, and I said no thank you. Then she laughed with a twinkle in her and told me that was a wise decision…

And that her name was “he - ke - te”. At first I didn’t recognize these sounds — it took me a moment to realize that this name was Hecate!

Even within the dreamscape I began to grasp the significance of my experience. I was back in the underworld, Hekate was making her presence known for my work in this realm, and I had passed the first test of not consuming the fruits offered to me.

While I’ve long known about Hecate, I’ve never worked with her as one of my primary allies. Rather, the Roman goddess Diana has always been my patron goddess of witchcraft and the wilds.

So I was all the more surprised as I dove into Hecate’s role after this dream.

In addition to her connections with magic, Hecate is a powerful guardian of the underworld. A psychopomp, she helps souls navigate the afterlife — something we can see in role as a guardian and guide for Persephone after her “abduction” by Hades.

One of our dark goddesses, Hecate was traditionally honored during the dark moon — the exact time I had this dream.

Seriously. I’m paying attention, ma’am. ;)

And yes, I’ve heard the call and Hecate perfume is in the works.

The rest of the dream unfolded in magical ways. I actually met with one of my descendants in this underworld realm and received an important lesson on how our individual thoughts impact our collective field of energy…along with insights and guidance that I’m still integrating. ;)

Most importantly — I’m taking this as a sign for the power of the gnome flower and its ability to bridge this world with the underworld.

​Spots are still open for this workshop, and it will be recorded in case you can’t attend live.​

A Ritual to Honor the Goddess Hecate

Hecate is a patron goddess of magic, witchcraft, the underworld, the dark, and the crossroads. A triple goddess, she can help us explore and integrate the past, present, and future.

Honoring Hecate at the new moon, also known as Deipnon, is a tradition rooted in ancient Greek practices. During this time, offerings were made to Hecate to purify the household and protect against evil spirits.

While our next new moon is still a few weeks away, Hecate is inviting any who feel called to prepare your own Deipnon ceremony. Here is a simple ritual guide for your practice, my (and Hecate’s) gift to you.

​Hecate Deipnon Ritual Guide.pdf

Let’s journey into the Earth and see what magic unfolds.

Many Blessings,


Upcoming Workshops

In Person

​Soul Retrieval | September 25-29 in Sisters, OR


​The Art of Psychopomp: Shamanic Approaches to Death & Dying | October 26th & 27th, 8am - 2pm PT

​Thoughtforms, Intrusions, Extractions & Curses: An Introduction to Working with Foreign Energies| November 23rd & 24th, 8am - 2pm PT



​​​Introduction to Shamanism | replay available soon

​The Shamanic Path | a one-on-one mentorship with me



113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

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