the tender resilience of children (including you)

Children are both amazingly resilient yet very sensitive in ways most adults have lost touch with.

Have you experienced any of the following?

Maybe a kid at school said one random, mean comment and you still get a gunky, shivery, shameful feeling whenever you think about it — even though on the surface, it was a tiny moment and not even intentionally hurtful on their part.

Maybe an authority figure told you something about yourself that your soul knew wasn’t true. Then, because of the weight of the messaging and power dynamics at play, you experienced a fracturing.

Maybe something normal but sad happened, and you didn’t receive support around processing this in a healthy way — a friend got hurt, a pet passed away, you didn’t get the same opportunity as other kids.

Maybe a boundary was crossed, and it shook your faith in those around you. And I’m not even talking about the big boundaries here. It could be as simple as your parents giving away a favorite toy without asking your permission.

Many children might be totally fine with any of these events (and are totally fine in the face of much worse). Yet many children are so open and highly sensitive — and small affronts, especially without proper support and integration from elders, can hit on a very deep level.

I share all of these examples because none of them are the big traumas we often associate with soul loss. These are little, gradual, normalized events that hurt the pure souls we were born with.

It’s okay to be sensitive! It’s okay to feel things deeply, to experience the normal operations of our modern world as just a bit traumatic.

The beauty of acknowledging this is that we can heal.

Soul retrieval doesn’t replace the efforts required to heal our communities, our planet, and our families. It doesn’t replace therapy and inner work, restorative justice, or any other pieces of our healing puzzle.

It does provide healing on a spiritual level, which in turn can catalyze changes in this reality and make our other endeavors more effective. And it reminds us that magic is real.

Soul fragmentation is normal, and healing is possible.

P.S. Does this resonate? There are two spots left in a very powerful soul retrieval training I'm holding at the end of the month. It's in person, in Sisters, OR. And I really feel like it's going to be deeply transformative for those who can attend. Reach out if you feel a calling. I'm happy to help you explore your options and the logistics to make attending possible. If you are meant to join us, you will!


the little ways our soul slips away

The above is an excerpt from this full article.

to sacrifice magic at the altar of the mind

a dive into the art and practice of soul retrieval: what it is, why we do it, and where does the soul really go?

The Botanica is Open

And here is a recent review...

"I have never worked with poison plant essences before, but I can say these are SO potent. I have felt completely changed by these - energetically and mentally. I am a repeat customer now forever!" – Jacque H.

I'm working on some new products made with local, wild plants...these will be coming next month!

Upcoming Workshops & Events

September 17th - Live Q&A for Intro to Shamanism Participants

As thanks to the many amazing students who joined both the in-person and online versions of this course, I'm offering a free bonus call! If you want to join us LIVE, grab the replay. I'll be sharing a private link with all participants soon.

September 25-29 - Soul Retrieval

Reach out if you're interested in grabbing one of the last spots! Learn more here.

October & November - Psychopomp & Extraction

This is a powerhouse duo of live, online courses designed to help you stay spiritually clear and sovereign! Learn to release foreign spirits and energies...and these count as prerequisites for Sandra Ingerman's upcoming shamanic teacher training. Learn more here.

Etsy flash sale

Save 40% on EVERYTHING in my Etsy shop this week – including 144 Shamanic Journey Prompts and The Spirit Animal Workshop.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

Read more from Alchemessence
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