I have some big news...

About a year ago, I prayed for guidance on what to do with my life. Just a small ask ;)

Then I opened myself to guidance. And it came.

Spirit told me that it was time to offer a practitioner training in shamanism and spiritual rewilding. The most beautiful 3-year program — my dream program if I were a student again flowed through my fingers and onto my computer screen.

Year one was going to be an apprenticeship with the spirits, open to all. Then, year two would bring in more client skills and advanced shamanic techniques. Year three would be deepening into more complex and layered spirit skills, along with training in group facilitation.

But I wasn’t ready.

I was afraid no one would want to take this training, that I would put in endless hours and fall flat on my face, exhausted. (I mean, that’s always a bit of fear when I put myself out there…)

I started sharing more weekend workshops and shorter trainings instead. And they’ve been awesome. And I feel hearted by the words from my students so far.

Then, a couple of months ago, the spirits started speaking to me about the practitioner training again.

But their message had changed a bit…

Things have gotten more urgent, they said. People need these skills NOW. There is much happening beyond the veil.

Three years is too long. Your students need to be able to discern truth from falsity in the spirit realms. They must begin to be lights in their own communities immediately.

Condense as much as you can into an 18-month practitioner program.

There are many more than you realize who are ready for this program. We will guide you every step of the way. Weave in the oils. Medicine for the Earth. Discernment.

Help your students connect with spirit now. We love humanity. It’s time for humanity to remember the power of love, too.

In the coming months, I’ll be sharing a bit more about these messages....You are not imagining that things are extra intense right now. The more the spirits show me, the more motivated I am to share the content of this training. I guess that’s the point…

Introducing the Wild Alchemy Apprenticeship

The program that has come through is more than a shamanic practitioner training, though it will cover the bases for that.

It’s a Wild Alchemy training. You will learn how to partner with nature and spirit in order to bring healing to yourself, your community, and our Earth.

Plants will be our allies on this journey, and you will learn how to weave sacred oils and herbal remedies into your work, too.

This is also a training in people. A lot of spiritual teachings focus on transcendence, which is lovely and certainly part of our work. But my passion lies in the human experience.

What is it to be human yet know you are more than this body? What is it to remember your are divine yet be swept away by emotion? What is it to embody both the expansive nature of creation yet live within limitation?

We are humans. And in this training, you will learn real skills for holding spiritual space for the human experience with integrity and safety.

Registration will officially open in January 2025 — but the waitlist is open now.

You can learn more about the program here, or join the waitlist with one click here.

Please do join if you’re interested. This will help me plan our in-person retreat spaces…and let me know if this dream program is really going to happen! Oh my nerves…trusting spirit and jumping in!

Many blessings on your path,

P.S. I know cost is probably one of your biggest questions. I’ve researched similar programs, and they tend to run in the $6000 - $14000 range. I’m planning on keeping this to four digits ;) But the final cost will depend a lot on our retreat venues. You can trust that it will be worth more than you pay, though. I feel very confident in saying that loud and clear!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

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