the shamanic art of becoming whole

Soul Retrieval is the shamanic art of becoming whole. It is a spiritual practice that restores all of the parts that make you you.

It’s beautiful…and it can be a little confusing.

Isn’t the soul eternal? Aren’t we all truly divine and whole in our essence, no matter what happens to us in life? Why would part of our own spiritual essence not be present with us?

These are very good questions, and how we answer them depends a bit on which perspectives we approach this work from…

Because shamanism is a spiritual practice. We’re dealing with spiritual healing.

And our modern minds are psychologically oriented. We put everything through the lens of mental filters.

Depending on which worldview you’re biased towards, just what exactly is happening during a soul retrieval session might shift significantly.

Which brings me to one of my personal questions: Can the two approaches co-exist when it comes to the tradition and practice of soul retrieval?

I believe that there is value in working with our modern-day minds. Humanity and consciousness are simply different than they were thousands of years ago. We have different needs when it comes to feeling whole, embodied, and empowered in our lives today.

And…we are still the same animals we have always been. Our DNA remembers the power of ancestral healing techniques. Our spirits respond to ancient practices that our minds do not understand.

As we explore the world of shamanic healing in general and soul retrieval in particular…

We must not sacrifice magic at the altar of mind.

Read More Here.

Mind, magic, medicine...these are just some of the themes we'll be exploring at the soul retrieval workshop this September.

You can still save $125 - $150 on your tuition through the end of the month.

Apply Now.

Many blessings on your path,

P.S. If you don't want to hear about the soul retrieval training but do want to stay in touch, you can opt-out of the next few emails by clicking here.

Upcoming Workshops

In Person

Soul Retrieval | September 25-29 in Sisters, OR


The Art of Psychopomp: Shamanic Approaches to Death & Dying | October 26th & 27th, 8am - 2pm PT

Thoughtforms, Intrusions, Extractions & Curses: An Introduction to Working with Foreign Energies| November 23rd & 24th, 8am - 2pm PT


Introduction to Shamanism | replay available soon

The Shamanic Path | a one-on-one mentorship with me

Natural Perfumes
Flower Essences
Oils & Mists
Shop All

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

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