what my students said.

These words. There are a few important deadlines coming up, so I wanted to share a few words from my students, whom I am soooo grateful for.

But first, two time-sensitive updates:

  1. Last weekend's Introduction to Shamanism class was such an amazing experience. The replay is available, which serves as a prerequisite for upcoming advanced classes (Soul Retrieval, Psychopomp, Extraction & Clearing). The sliding scale available until the end of the month; then just the good ol' regular price will be available :)
  2. You can still save up to $150 on the Soul Retrieval training taking place in September. Again, this price goes up at the end of the month! This course requires an application, but if you get your application in by August 31st and pay as soon as you can if you're accepted, I will honor the early bird.

When I teach, I pour my heart and soul into it. My time, energy, and resources. And decades of experience.

It’s a lot for me. I’ve learned I need to build in recovery periods after big workshops. And it’s beyond worth it — especially when I get feedback from students like this…

Here are just a few kind words from my latest classes:

Juniper is the BEST!! I can't say enough about Juniper's teaching style. She teaches in a perfectly paced and structured way that aligns all intro teaching elements together in perfect format for both beginners and those more experienced.

I truly admired her gentle boundary setting in each class as to keep things moving so not to go down too many rabbit holes :) Previous teachers I have worked with unfortunately were not great with this and many trainings turned into what felt like a group therapy session focusing on one or two people's journeys or questions not allowing for us to get deeper into topics being covered.

She not only teaches the history behind different shamanic practices and styles but covers very important topics as well, such as ethics as a practitioner. She is such a lovely, kind, wise, passionate, and intelligent teacher and healer and I feel more than grateful to have connected with her on my healing path.

I have been searching for a teacher just like Juniper for years and I am SO happy, I was divinely lead to her. I cannot recommend her enough as a healer and teacher!

Stacey Downing, Licensed Psychotherapist/MFT, Bend, OR
Juniper is an amazing teacher and facilitator. She has a deep connection with all of life, but her knowledge of and connection with non-ordinary reality are obviously a fundamental part of her nature and of primary importance to her. She embodies everything she teaches, and just being in her presence is healing.

In a three-day workshop, my group and I were introduced to the most important aspects of shamanism with ample time to practice journeying and share information with each other, and I don't think she could have created a more coherent group of women. The setting and the organization of the class, combined with Juniper's deep knowledge and loving energy and guidance, were beautifully conducive to absorbing everything that was offered in the most profound sense.

More than this, she brought an array of healing essences she had created through the alchemy of her love of plants and her partnership with the spirit world, and we were invited to indulge our senses with them. All in all, the workshop was a beautiful immersion in the ways of spirit and the natural world combined, and it opened so many doors.

Kathy Frank, All Species Reiki Practitioner, WA
This was my first introduction to Shamanism — it was a wonderful and amazing experience. I didn't know what to expect and had very little knowledge about the journey I was about to take. Juniper was knowledgeable, kind, patient, and a great guide for anyone wanting to explore different realms.

— Gina, Registered Nurse
Juniper is such an incredible teacher. A truly beautiful, spirit who fully embraces her divinity in a deeply authentic way. Juniper's perspective is rich with experience of all things ethereal. She teaches from a place of deep respect for the wisdom of the shaman and for our great Mother Earth. This course was so much more than I imagined it could be. I have so much gratitude for all that she has learned in order to cultivate her container of wisdom to bring benefit to us all.
Kelli W., Intuitive Healing Guide
Completely exceeded all my expectations. This live, online 2 day course was extremely well presented, informative, interesting and engaging. Juniper created a safe space for the group and answered all our questions in detail. I can absolutely 100% recommend this course.
— Julie D., Qi Gong Teacher

I hope you'll join me for the upcoming live classes this fall. Let's keep bringing healing to this Earth and each other together.

Upcoming Workshops

In Person

Soul Retrieval | September 25-29 in Sisters, OR


The Art of Psychopomp: Shamanic Approaches to Death & Dying | October 26th & 27th, 8am - 2pm PT

Thoughtforms, Intrusions, Extractions & Curses: An Introduction to Working with Foreign Energies| November 23rd & 24th, 8am - 2pm PT


Introduction to Shamanism | replay available soon

The Shamanic Path | a one-on-one mentorship with me

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

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