π“‚€ How to celebrate the Egyptian New Year + a gift 🎁


Happy New Year to my fellow practitioners of ancient Egyptian magick!

Yes, the ancient ​Egyptian New Year β€” known as Wepet Renpet or "Opening of the Year" β€” typically took place right around now!

What does this mean for you?

First, the new year coincided with the heliacal rising of Sirius and the annual flooding of the Nile β€” I go into the importance of both of these, along with a bunch of fun Egyptian mysticism, here.

Second, it marks the birth of five revered Egyptian deities. To align Egypt's monthly calendar with the solar year, five extra days were inserted between the end of the old year and beginning of the new.

On each of these days, a great god or goddess was born:

Day 1: Osiris (also known as Ausar or Wesir)
Day 2: Horus the Elder (also known as Heru-ur)
Day 3: Seth (also known as Set)
Day 4: Isis (also known as Auset)
Day 5: Nephthys (also known as Nebthet)

Celebrations occurred throughout Egypt on every epagomenal day except for the third, which belongs to the unfortunate god Seth.

While we typically welcome the official new year on January 1st in the West, the Egyptian epagomenal days offer us a lovely halfway point invitation to reflect on our experiences so far as we prepare for what’s to come.

To help you celebrate, I've created a totally free, beautiful PDF guide filled with sacred rituals to help you celebrate and work with the energy of the epagomenal days, which you can download here:


You can do these rituals whenever you wish, but I I like to time them around the days leading up to the feast of Mary Magdalene on July 22nd, as she is closely related to Isis and potentially shares a feast day. Here, the day of Osiris would fall on July 19th and Nepthys would close the festivities on the 23rd. For those who wish to be more astrologically accurate, the actual Heliacal rising of Sirius will take place between July 24th and September 3rd, depending on your location.

Many blessings,

P.S. I have a few beautiful oils to support your rituals for both Egypt and the Magdalene here and here.

Many blessings,

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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