imagination as throne for the gods

Imagination is the language of the soul.

I think Einstein originally said that. Smart guy ;)

It’s true. Our souls speak to us through our imaginations. The dreams we let dance through our consciousness are arrows to our soul’s deeper callings.

The spirit world also communicates through the imagination. Have you ever fantasized about a better world? Created stories about the fairies who must live in that mossy grove you hiked past? These thoughts aren’t just mind inventions…they are divinely inspired insights into additional potentialities and dimensions of our reality.

The imagination is a favorite language of the Muses, too. I like to think of the Muses as angels of creativity, whispering inspiration into the vessels capable of bringing it to life.

And the imagination is an invitation to the gods.

This happens through the intentional act of visualization.

When you use your imagination to visualize a deity, with as much focus and detail as possible, you create what one of my teachers (Jason Miller) calls an “astral throne”.

I love this idea. By bringing together intention, focus, and imagination, you have created a resting place for a spirit to meet with you.

In many traditions, including the Ancient Egyptian magical practices I engage in, statues are seen as physical resting places for the gods. In the opening of the mouth ritual, a representation of a deity is anointed, creating space for the god to join our prayers and rituals here on Earth.

The astral throne serves the same purpose.

Now, the astral throne may very well be an image of the deity you wish to connect with, but quite often some sort of seal or symbol is used — Tibetan or Hindu mandalas, or Metatron’s cube, for example.

So, here’s this week’s tip (I’m trying something new here, we’ll see how consistent I can be…):

The next time you sit down to connect with a spirit guide, imagine a symbol for them with your mind’s eye.

As you place your focus on this symbol, tune into your body. Can you feel this divine being arrive? Has the potency of your experience changed in some way?

Psst: If you are among the 1-4% of the population who cannot visualize, you can still do this! Look at a physical version of the symbol you’d like to work with, and then use your intention and focus to know that the image is appearing as an astral invitation.

If you’ve used this practice before, or try it out now, let me know how it goes for you! Simply hit reply :) I may not be able to respond to every message, but I will love reading them!

P.S. Early bird pricing for Soul Retrieval goes up in two days.

P.P.S. Apologies that the Egyptian ritual PDF link didn't work in my last email. You can still grab yours here.

Upcoming Workshops

In Person

Soul Retrieval | September 25-29 in Sisters, OR


The Art of Psychopomp: Shamanic Approaches to Death & Dying | October 26th & 27th, 8am - 2pm PT

Thoughtforms, Intrusions, Extractions & Curses: An Introduction to Working with Foreign Energies| November 23rd & 24th, 8am - 2pm PT


Introduction to Shamanism | replay available soon

The Shamanic Path | a one-on-one mentorship with me

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

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