🌝👸🦨 July Magazine [full moon journey, the underworld, and more]


Monthly Magazine • July 2024

Welcome to July,

During my Hermetic Astrology training, which is rooted in ancient Egyptian astrology, I remember seeing the Earth’s birth chart for the first time. And guess which sign was found in the first house, marking the rising sign of the Earth? Cancer.

This makes sense — thousands of years ago, July (aka Cancer season) was when the Nile’s waters would bring rebirth and fertility to the land, symbolically and literally.

How beautiful that the watery sign of Cancer welcomed the yearly flooding of the Nile.

And how beautiful that Cancer, known to be the sign of nurturing and caregiving, is the rising sign of our Earth, a rare planet filled with the waters that make life possible.

Here’s the Cancer season ritual guide, in case you missed it ;)

It was during Cancer season two summers ago that I was introduced to a new and powerful ally for accessing the Earth’s infinite nourishment: the gnome plant.

A rare and beautiful parasitic flower, the gnome plant opened a portal into the divine realms of the inner Earth — and what I found there opened up a new relationship with worth and wealth. You can read the original story here.

This summer, on the final day of Cancer Season and the morning of our Full Honey Mead Moon, I’m offering a 90-minute workshop where we will journey into the Earth together.

Join Me for the Gnome Flower Full Moon Journey

This is the first of many opportunities to go deeper with your own magic and medicine this year.

May July’s gentle energies envelop you with watery love,

P.S. We’ve been hard at work converting our yard into a wildlife and wild plant sanctuary since moving here a few years ago. This month, a bunny has moved into our bushes, and a family of skunks has taken up residence under our deck. 🦨I know not everyone would delight in this…but I love watching their beautiful tails as they play at dusk!

Recent Articles

Upcoming Workshops & Courses

In Person

Soul Retrieval | September 25-29 in Sisters, OR


Gnome Flower Full Moon Journey | July 21, 9-10:30am PT

Introduction to Shamanism | August 24-25, 8am - 2pm PT

The Art of Psychopomp: Shamanic Approaches to Death & Dying | October 26th & 27th, 8am - 2pm PT

Thoughtforms, Intrusions, Extractions & Curses: An Introduction to Working with Foreign Energies | November 23rd & 24th, 8am - 2pm PT

1:1 Mentorship

​The Shamanic Path | self-paced study

Shop Updates

I'm restocking more perfumes and oils every week! Keep checking to see if your favorite has returned :)

Aromatic mists and alchemical floral waters are coming soon, including my home distilled blue spruce hydrosol. More info soon!

Resources for Your Journey

Writings free articles on shamanism

The Art & Practice of Shamanism an intro course to journeying, with drum track

144 Shamanic Journey Prompts — PDF ebook, an excellent way to continue your personal journey practice

The Spirit Animal Workshop — online workshop with ebook & guided journey, includes a ton more info about working with your power animals :)

Moon Magic Guidebook and Calendar — a resource to help with moon syncing

Shamanic Healing Sessions — power restoration, energy healing, and more

Wild Alchemy Sessions — spiritual coaching and creative mentorship

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