The access point to riches lies beneath your feet.

The access point to material riches lies beneath your feet…

In the Underworld.

If you search the recesses of your mind, you might recall learning about Hades, lord of the Underworld in Greek mythology.

Story has it that Hades was one of three brothers — along with Zeus and Poseidon — who managed to overthrow the Titans. Upon their victory, each brother drew lots for the realms they were to rule:

  • Zeus drew the lot of the heavens and sky, making him chief deity among the gods.
  • Poseidon drew the lot of seas, making him god of the oceans and bodies of water.
  • Hades drew the lot of the underworld, making him the principal deity of the dead…and wealth.

The Greeks had a complex relationship with Hades, as I’m sure you can imagine. In one sense, the Underworld he ruled was a shadowy place, filled with the dead — and the living didn’t often want to end up there too prematurely. On the other hand, the idyllic Elysian Fields were also found in the Underworld.

Though Hades' rulership of this paradise was somewhat indirect, The Elysian Fields and all the goodness contained there were technically the domain of Hades, as well. And so we begin to see a hint of the gifts found in the Underworld.

But Hades wasn’t just ruler of the afterlife — his jurisdiction included all the resources of our great Earth. The fertile soil that produces Demeter’s grain and Dionysus’s wine. The rare minerals and ores that sparkle in deep caverns.

Though in our modern vernacular, we most often associate Hades with the realm of the dead and abduction of Persephone (and doesn’t remembering that Hades actually ruled the gifts of the Earth add a twist to this tale?), his Roman counterpart Pluto has never lost his wealth vibe — even our word for a society controlled by a wealthy minority (ehem), plutocracy, has roots in this god’s name.

When I traveled into the Underworld, wealth is what I found.

At least on some of my travels…there’s a lot more to explore ;)

Last year, I wrote about my journeys to meet the Queen of the Underworld. She wasn’t Hades. She was very, very much a she in the most divinely feminine way. She sparkled. And she didn’t just embody wealth — she embodied worth.

I met this Queen after discovering several Gnome Plants in July 2022. The Gnome Plant opened a portal into this very specific realm of the Underworld.

And, I was shown that by making a flower essence with this rare and magical gnome plant, I could share these underworld gifts with others.

Now it’s time to take this a step further…

Gnome Flower Full Moon Journey

On July 21st, our Buck-Mead-Hay-Thunder Full Moon, we will journey into the Underworld’s realms of wealth and abundance together.

With Gnome Plant as your guide, you will discover how the Earth’s wealth can unlock your own worth.

This will be a jam-packed 90-minute workshop, and will be recorded for those who cannot join us live.

Register Here

While the Gnome Flower Essence isn’t required for this journey, I highly recommend you get some to enhance your experience.

Gnome Flower Essence

May the full moon illuminate our way as we travel into the riches of the Earth together.

Many Blessings,

P.S. My Wild Alchemy Coaching clients also get complimentary access to these quarterly events :) Learn more about this program here.

P.P.S. You can take a peak at my three favorite Hades-related deities at the bottom of this article.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

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