

Alchemessence is your portal into the wild spirit within. As a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist, I offer an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

A mountain covered in snow and clouds under a cloudy sky
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I have some big news...

About a year ago, I prayed for guidance on what to do with my life. Just a small ask ;) Then I opened myself to guidance. And it came. Spirit told me that it was time to offer a practitioner training in shamanism and spiritual rewilding. The most beautiful 3-year program — my dream program if I were a student again — flowed through my fingers and onto my computer screen. Year one was going to be an apprenticeship with the spirits, open to all. Then, year two would bring in more client skills...

A body of water surrounded by trees with a mountain in the background

Children are both amazingly resilient yet very sensitive in ways most adults have lost touch with. Have you experienced any of the following? Maybe a kid at school said one random, mean comment and you still get a gunky, shivery, shameful feeling whenever you think about it — even though on the surface, it was a tiny moment and not even intentionally hurtful on their part. Maybe an authority figure told you something about yourself that your soul knew wasn’t true. Then, because of the weight...

green grassland across clouded mountain

These words. There are a few important deadlines coming up, so I wanted to share a few words from my students, whom I am soooo grateful for. But first, two time-sensitive updates: Last weekend's Introduction to Shamanism class was such an amazing experience. The replay is available, which serves as a prerequisite for upcoming advanced classes (Soul Retrieval, Psychopomp, Extraction & Clearing). The sliding scale available until the end of the month; then just the good ol' regular price will...

A vase filled with white flowers on top of a table

Soul Retrieval is the shamanic art of becoming whole. It is a spiritual practice that restores all of the parts that make you you. It’s beautiful…and it can be a little confusing. Isn’t the soul eternal? Aren’t we all truly divine and whole in our essence, no matter what happens to us in life? Why would part of our own spiritual essence not be present with us? These are very good questions, and how we answer them depends a bit on which perspectives we approach this work from… Because...

gray and black wooden chair with fabric cushion

Imagination is the language of the soul. I think Einstein originally said that. Smart guy ;) It’s true. Our souls speak to us through our imaginations. The dreams we let dance through our consciousness are arrows to our soul’s deeper callings. The spirit world also communicates through the imagination. Have you ever fantasized about a better world? Created stories about the fairies who must live in that mossy grove you hiked past? These thoughts aren’t just mind inventions…they are divinely...

August 24-25, 2024 | Intro to Shamanism Online Alchemessence Monthly Magazine • August 2024 Welcome to August, dear friends! August has to be one of my favorite times of year. The warm days, the coming harvest, and Leonine energy of abundance and joy seem to permeate the atmosphere. Unfortunately, in Central Oregon, August is also smoke season. While the wildfires throughout the West have been on my heart (and in my lungs), we are doing our best to keep our spirits bright as the solar lion...

Y’all. AI has been on my mind lately. And I'm pretty concerned about the rapid changes within our online spaces...and how these changes are going to impact our very real lives. I’ve been watching the progression of AI on culture and consciousness for a while. There’s a lot of speculation in this area already, and I don’t want to add to the noise. But what I do know, and what I do want to say is: Our skills in navigating reality and truth need to be refined. Like, ASAP. We need to make a habit...

Right after I announced the Gnome Flower Full Moon Journey workshop (with a nod to Hades), another Greek deity came to me: The goddess of witchcraft and the underworld, Hecate. Evidently, she might also be participating in this workshop…the story is a little wild... The morning of our July new moon, I prepared the first batch of gnome flower essences for shipping. And I made myself a fresh new moon gnome flower essence for good measure ;) I took the essence throughout the day, and reflected...

The access point to material riches lies beneath your feet… In the Underworld. If you search the recesses of your mind, you might recall learning about Hades, lord of the Underworld in Greek mythology. Story has it that Hades was one of three brothers — along with Zeus and Poseidon — who managed to overthrow the Titans. Upon their victory, each brother drew lots for the realms they were to rule: Zeus drew the lot of the heavens and sky, making him chief deity among the gods. Poseidon drew the...

July 21, 2024 | Full Moon Gnome Flower Journey Alchemessence Monthly Magazine • July 2024 Welcome to July, During my Hermetic Astrology training, which is rooted in ancient Egyptian astrology, I remember seeing the Earth’s birth chart for the first time. And guess which sign was found in the first house, marking the rising sign of the Earth? Cancer. This makes sense — thousands of years ago, July (aka Cancer season) was when the Nile’s waters would bring rebirth and fertility to the land,...